برق و الکترونیک::
درآمد متوسط
This data has metrics such as the population, median income, median hous‐ ing price, and so on for each block group in California.
More specifically, this is a multivari‐ ate regression problem since the system will use multiple features to make a prediction (it will use the district's population, the median income, etc.).
- For example, if the first district in the dataset is located at longitude -118.29°, latitude 33.91°, and it has 1,416 inhabitants with a median income of $38,372, and the median house value is $156,400 (ignoring the other features for now), then:
First, the median income attribute does not look like it is expressed in US dollars (USD).
After checking with the team that collected the data, you are told that the data has been scaled and capped at 15 (actually 15.0001) for higher median incomes, and at 0.5 (actually 0.4999) for lower median incomes.
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